British Shorthair Cats

Breeder number

Welcome to our online home of Dersieger British Shorthair Blue cats.
our affix DERSIEGER is known for our beautiful Rottweilers and French Bulldogs who we have bred and shown for many years
We got our first cat in 2017 "Skyota Cozmic Cookie"
from breeder Sue Howson.
this is when we got the bug to the cat show scene.
In 2018 we introduced "Britishbearcats FlyMeToTheMoon"
to our home from breeder Fe (Bear) Kernaghan in Northern Ireland of Britishbearcats Cattery, whom has had a fantastic start to her show career wining multiple 1sts, even winning Best of Variety 3 at the tenderage of 6 months old!
We are excited about our new homebred girls Koko & Button when the show season begins.
2021.... Introducing Fergan Icing Sugar "Harley" bred by Caroline Copolla of Fergan Cats whom we are excited to show later this year along with our other girls.
Harley " FERGAN ICING SUGAR" wins BEST IN SHOW at Wyvern Cat Club Show at the tender age of 6 months old!!
Harley " CH FERGAN ICING SUGAR" gains her Grand Champion Title
Harley " GrCH FERGAN ICING SUGAR" wins Best in Show Adult
at Northern BLSCC Show
All of our cats have had DNA tests with Langford Vets the results can be found on each cats own page.
We applied for our Prefix to be registered with the GCCF in 2018.
Our cats are part of our family and only on the occasion that we plan to keep a kitten for our own is when we will plan to breed.
feel free to look through our website, for any questions or enquiries
please contact us.